Saturday, February 18, 2012

Random rambling on a Saturday

Everyday is a day you can learn more about yourself and discover what you're made of. Everyday is an opportunity to better yourself at something and a goal is something which makes you able to move forward, because that's life and it's a must. Why? Not because I say so, but because otherwise you'd be left behind and then you'll find yourself unable to establish anything because everyone around you may seem like they have suddenly changed. However they have changed gradually, it was you that had remained oblivious.

I discovered today that I didn't hate cleaning as much as I thought I do, instead I found myself thinking last night how I couldn't wait to clean today and where I would start first and such. Frankly I was amazed. Am I making plans to clean? And I though, this isn't me, or is it? And then I decided, yes, this is me, I like to clean, it makes me feel better. Never though I'd say that. I guess things change when you know you're doing it for yourself and that you're doing it because you want to, not because you're being pushed into it. And also I think I'll make more time to paint, because that's something I also love to do, but I always find myself doing something else.

It's great when you discover small things like this because they make you happy, at least it made me happy to know I had some "wife features" inside me. *giggle*

Have a nice weekend~

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