Saturday, June 9, 2012

Go, me!

Today, I'm happy. I finally managed to clean my closet, which for me is a great achievement since I'm such a lazy ass and at the same time I realized that I'm not as bad as I though I was. I genuinely care for some people, even if I said that I don't and I worry for some people I never thought I would worry about. I guess it's not that bad to acknowledge I'm actually, a little bit good. It also makes me feel good, of course, being the selfish person I am.

I think, today, in a long while, I feel lively, like I can actually get out there to enjoy life, which is better than lazing around inside and I feel I can totally do the whole wife thing and maybe later on I'll even be wanting to be a mother, I think. Still, this is what I chose to do with my life and by god, I will totally rock at this, 'cuz I AM that good. *laughs*

Anyway, what I'm trying to say as that at one time or another you also need to get off your lazy ass and do something for yourself, something that makes you feel good, oh, and also, helping others while your at it. 

Tip of the day! Just say "Go, me!" Totally works, trust me! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Complex, another pretty word for undecided

Being a woman is such a hassle. Starting from the fact that we're so complex and being complex is no compliment either. I actually believe being complex is a default, because we are always misunderstood and we have no clarity over what we really want. It's like asking someone for butter to spread over a bread you don't have and you're not really sure you do want to have. God, and don't make me start on that time of the month. I mean, my god, do I really need to react like a bitch to every single thing? Apparently yes, 'cuz my stupid hormones dictate whatever comes out of my mouth.

I dread the days until my next period and just hope against hope that chocolate will somehow come to the rescue and I won't make a total ass of myself, otherwise it's painkillers all the way. 

Fact is, men at least have some clarity over what they want to do and if they have something they like they can make it the best, but me? I have a ton of things I like and I can't decide which one to pick, cuz whatever I pick I would still feel bad. Why? Because if I want to do thing no.1, halfway through it I suddenly decide it was thing no.2 I actually wanted to do and start on that, only to stop somewhere in the middle again, because no.3 suddenly sounds like the best option and so on and so forth. Complex my ass, more like undecided, but yeah, that's me, I even have a motto: "Today I want something that tomorrow I won't."