Saturday, February 18, 2012

Random rambling on a Saturday

Everyday is a day you can learn more about yourself and discover what you're made of. Everyday is an opportunity to better yourself at something and a goal is something which makes you able to move forward, because that's life and it's a must. Why? Not because I say so, but because otherwise you'd be left behind and then you'll find yourself unable to establish anything because everyone around you may seem like they have suddenly changed. However they have changed gradually, it was you that had remained oblivious.

I discovered today that I didn't hate cleaning as much as I thought I do, instead I found myself thinking last night how I couldn't wait to clean today and where I would start first and such. Frankly I was amazed. Am I making plans to clean? And I though, this isn't me, or is it? And then I decided, yes, this is me, I like to clean, it makes me feel better. Never though I'd say that. I guess things change when you know you're doing it for yourself and that you're doing it because you want to, not because you're being pushed into it. And also I think I'll make more time to paint, because that's something I also love to do, but I always find myself doing something else.

It's great when you discover small things like this because they make you happy, at least it made me happy to know I had some "wife features" inside me. *giggle*

Have a nice weekend~

Friday, February 17, 2012

About myself (part I)

I decided I wanted to share a little bit about what I like to do. My most favorite thing to do is reading and I love reading even more when it's manga. Why? Because I love seeing human expressions. Even in movie I judge the best acting based upon the way it can actually make you believe the story is real, their pain is real, their love is real. I'm not so attracted to read famous writers as I am to the ones that do it for fun, why? Because you can feel involved, you can almost see the excitement when they receive a good review. I think it's fun that you are able to talk to people that love writing, because it's like stepping in a world where dreams come to life.

Another thing I like is music. Okay, a lot of people like music, but to me, it's like a part of life I couldn't live without. There are constant songs inside my head, some sung by famous artists, some written by not so famous artists and even some written by me. Maybe it's a little weird, but this is me and I like me.

Art, yes, well there is almost always a painting that springs to mind, but the lack of space and lack of tools is holding me down, something I hate. I guess maybe it's also my jobs which wrings out every little ounce of strength. I love painting because it allows me to be me and I don't really care if people go for my paintings or not, it's something I do for me, well, one of the many things.

Maybe somewhere between reading and painting made me want to start a little something of my own, like this blog, because maybe, I thought, there are others just like me that have a bad day and they need to rediscover the things which makes them be themselves.

I'm quite complex and I'm not saying this because I'm a woman, but because there are many things I like and also because my personality is not a constant thing. Nothing is in this world, because change is a big aspect in everyone's lives.

Anyway, anything else I'll share later. Have a good one~

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I never actually thought I would admit this, but some women use the line: "Well, I'm a woman" as an excuse and I realized, man, how typical of human nature, but no, seriously now, I think having stereotypes is really a very bad tool to use as a way to judge someone and I know because I used to do it too. Yup, that's right, we all used to stereotype at one time in our lives, because it's hard not to, especially when you're someone who has faults and, yeah well, who doesn't? I do it because I need at least a guide that says: "hey, this person is your type of person and you could get along". Yeah, but no, that's not all I use it for... I admit it, I often ask people their sign and then develop my relationship accordingly.

Now, the only problem with stereotyping people is that you may meet great, wonderful people, but you might side them because of something like, the zodiac sign or the music they listen to, or even the place they hang out. I know this because on some level I used to do it too, I don't anymore though or at least I try not to. I think you should give people the benefit of the doubt before you judge them, because it's really your loss if you chose a crappy friend over a trusting fellow.

In this life you will meet hundreds of people that will either screw you over, love you, be friends with you, help you etc etc and you need to keep an open mind, because no two drops of water are the same, just like no two people are the same, they might seem on the surface, but what's on the inside may really surprise you.

All best~

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


You hear often enough this phrase: Confidence is the key.Well it's true, it is the key of many doors, such as socialization and uhm, relationships, even doing your work and planning to do something, because without confidence and trust in yourself and the work you do, you, my friend, will not get anywhere. If you want to be the best you have to believe you ARE the best, it's just that easy. Of course, even though it may sound easy it's actually a difficult thing to do. I often loose my confidence when people criticize my work, my personality and even my friends, but I try to stand by, not really believing I'm the best, but simply believing I'm good at something, like I'm good at drawing, I'm good at painting, I'm good at writing, I'm a fairly good friend and a good wife.

A lot of people pay no notice and go on with their lives settling for less because they believe they can't do better, well, I try not to and I hope, you will also try not to settle for less than you deserve. So whenever someone tells you that you suck at something, well they can kiss your ass, because if you really try, you'll find out you can do anything. The secret is, you need to believe it and others will believe it too. 

Just think about it, think about the elections where the candidates are so full of it, that they actually believe the words they lie about and we believe them too, we want to believe them because of their confidence in their speeches. 's why we get such cocky presidents.