Thursday, February 16, 2012


I never actually thought I would admit this, but some women use the line: "Well, I'm a woman" as an excuse and I realized, man, how typical of human nature, but no, seriously now, I think having stereotypes is really a very bad tool to use as a way to judge someone and I know because I used to do it too. Yup, that's right, we all used to stereotype at one time in our lives, because it's hard not to, especially when you're someone who has faults and, yeah well, who doesn't? I do it because I need at least a guide that says: "hey, this person is your type of person and you could get along". Yeah, but no, that's not all I use it for... I admit it, I often ask people their sign and then develop my relationship accordingly.

Now, the only problem with stereotyping people is that you may meet great, wonderful people, but you might side them because of something like, the zodiac sign or the music they listen to, or even the place they hang out. I know this because on some level I used to do it too, I don't anymore though or at least I try not to. I think you should give people the benefit of the doubt before you judge them, because it's really your loss if you chose a crappy friend over a trusting fellow.

In this life you will meet hundreds of people that will either screw you over, love you, be friends with you, help you etc etc and you need to keep an open mind, because no two drops of water are the same, just like no two people are the same, they might seem on the surface, but what's on the inside may really surprise you.

All best~

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