Monday, September 26, 2011

The love game

People made love into a game, a game where each player has a role they need to play out in order to win. Both women and men end up playing someone they are not in order to benefit love, but I wonder how long can you hold a role? In one year you can live a fantasy, close up because you can't be the person you are, then explode, leading to fights, leading to beatings, leading to murder? or divorce, leaving empty shells, which used to be once human being. Why would you put yourself through such a heart breaking scene?

In this world there probably aren't a lot of people who would love you for who you are, but those who do most times end up loving you your whole life. So playing and pretending and ending up unable to ever have a relationship or playing out your heart for real, which is it? Which can guarantee you a lifetime of happiness? Because in the end, isn't that what we all want? Sure relationships are hard, because it takes two to make things work, but it's not impossible.

This love game, will you play it?

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