Saturday, October 15, 2011

The odd one out

I am pretty much an open minded person, so I don't really like to label people or settle for stereotypes, though I find myself in that position several times, I try, because I, too, feel like the odd one out sometimes. It's pretty hard to hang on knowing you are different from the people around you and most times I'm really glad I have friends that like me and accept me the way I am.  Even so, what I'm trying to say here is that it's okay to be different.

You should never be ashamed of who you are, well maybe if your nature hurts other people physically and psychologically. I'm talking mostly about people labeled: geeks, gays, transgendered, ugly etc. There's nothing wrong being yourself even if society says otherwise. There are plenty of reasons other people want to hold you down, mostly because they are all cowards: afraid of the unknown, the different, the stepping out of the pattern.

There's nothing wrong about love. There never was or will be anything wrong about love. Love is never wrong. And I'll repeat it as many times as it is needed, until the thick skull-ed people understand.

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